Token Purpose
You can specify which purpose you would like to use for a PASETO by using the purpose parameter in create_access_token() or create_refresh_token().
Please read up on PASETO tokens to find out which is the best purpose for your use case, but to put it short:
Local purpose means the token will be encrypted using symmetric encryption. Data in the token will not be accessible to people that get the token without also knowing your secret key.\ This is useful if the token is used in an environment where every party that needs access to the token's contents is a secure environment under your control that you can share the secret key with.
Public purpose means the token will not be encrypted, and instead will only be signed using your private key. The data in the key will be visible to everyone that gets ahold of the key, and you should not put any confidential or sensitive data into public keys. The key can then be validated using your public key, which is safe to share with not-trusted parties.
from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException, Depends, Request
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
from fastapi_paseto_auth import AuthPASETO
from fastapi_paseto_auth.exceptions import AuthPASETOException
from pydantic import BaseModel
app = FastAPI()
class User(BaseModel):
username: str
password: str
class Settings(BaseModel):
authpaseto_secret_key: str = "secret"
# Private and public keys are required if you want to use public purpose authentication
authpaseto_private_key: str = """
authpaset_public_key: str = """
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
def get_config():
return Settings()
def authpaseto_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: AuthPASETOException):
return JSONResponse(status_code=exc.status_code, content={"detail": exc.message})"/login")
def login(user: User, Authorize: AuthPASETO = Depends()):
if user.username != "test" or user.password != "test":
raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Bad username or password")
# You can define different purpose when creating a token
access_token = Authorize.create_access_token(subject=user.username, purpose="local")
refresh_token = Authorize.create_refresh_token(
subject=user.username, purpose="public"
return {"access_token": access_token, "refresh_token": refresh_token}
# In a protected route, you don't need to worry about what type of key you are receiving
# because it will automatically be detected by the library."/refresh")
def refresh(Authorize: AuthPASETO = Depends()):
current_user = Authorize.get_subject()
new_access_token = Authorize.create_access_token(subject=current_user)
return {"access_token": new_access_token}
def protected(Authorize: AuthPASETO = Depends()):
current_user = Authorize.get_subject()
return {"user": current_user}